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Gullar shoes
Brand History
[Respect for life, start from the line] Gullar shoes were established in 2017, committed to becoming Asia's No. 1 Vegan Wigan design brand. Promise to use non-animal materials to create a gentleman's footwear brand that combines design, comfort, and craftsmanship. It is derived from the English "Gonna" and Taiwanese "work hard", which has a strong positive meaning of "going" and "working hard". We hope that every customer will be blessed by life, take firm steps, and live out a wonderful self.
Practice boldly and fearlessly.
Founded in 2017, Gullar offers premium non-animal leather footwear, delicately made by Taiwan's most experienced shoemakers. Gullar advocates the use of vegan leather, combining SuperFabric as its main material along with values of love and gentleman's spirit, in creating one of the most exquisite shoes. Celebrating the fifty years heritage of Taiwan's shoemaking, Gullar transcends the belief to love life, an essential power to fulfill our dreams.
Pure vegetable leather
Cactus double folder series total five

media reports
Media Interview

【Gullar Vegan】-純植物仙人掌皮革預購計畫
尊重生命 從行開始 感謝客戶們一直以來的支持, 對於動物的愛護與環境,我們都是用盡全力的。 2020年初,看到墨西哥開發出純植物纖維皮革, 立即聯繫進口開發, 儘管進口與開發時間較久、成本較高, 我們還是毫無猶豫,全力投入開發。 邁向無污染的一塊拼圖, 我們成為了全台首發, 產品更加天然,...
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【人間福報】-不忍動物被扒皮 劉瀚林製作素食皮鞋
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